Monday, July 7, 2008

Haircuts today? I think not.

So, today was the day. Matthew and Andrew desperately need haircuts. So, I got up this morning, took a shower, and was completely ready before Ryan even woke up. Now, I was ready for this, and the morning was going well. I even managed to sweep and vacuum before we left. A huge accomplishment for me.

Lucky for me, I had a coupon for SportsClips for a free haircut. Always handy when you've got 3 boys constantly needing haircuts. So, I loaded everyone in the car, and headed down to the newly opened SportsClips, located directly across from our new Super Target. The place was packed, and there was only 2 people cutting hair - which should have been my first indication of trouble. I signed the boys in, and one of the stylists told me that there would be an hour wait. I asked her if we could go to Target, and come back, and she said yes. Well, the boys and I walk over to Target, and finally leave after 45 minutes and $40.00 wasted dollars. On the way out, I decided I had better go to the bathroom before taking the boys back for their haircuts. I had put the free haircut coupon in my pocket, and actually felt it in there right before going to the bathroom. Mysteriously, somewhere between the stall and the front door to Target, the coupon disappeared. I decided against dragging the boys back through the store to findthe coupon, and went back across the parking lot to Sports Clips. Now, let's remember that the lady told me it would be an hour wait...and I was back in 45 minutes. Can you believe they had already passed us by, crossed our names off the list, and there I was back at ground zero? So, in the midst of trying to sign the boys in again, Ryan dropped his snack of Ritz Chex mix (which I had been coerced into buying at Target) all over the floor. I finally got that picked up, and sat down (with hair all over me from picking up that stuff off the floor). I realized it was going to be another grueling wait, and I finally gave up. Defeated, I loaded the kids back in the car, and drove home...fighting back the tears. All I wanted was a nice haircut for my boys, and there I was, an hour wasted, $40.00 worth of junk, and no haircut.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What's going on...

What's going on with the Holloways today. Well, actually a lot. Monday marked the end of an era. Andrew graduated from The Little School. I actually handled it okay. Not too many tears. I can't believe that it has been a year since stressed and lost sleep over whether or not to send him to Kindergarten. This year it's completely different. I know he is ready. He has so much more confidence, and he's so excited about school.

Matthew has one week of school left, and he is ready. These last few weeks are such a waste. There's no learning going on there. The teachers are just as anxious to get out as the kids. Matthew's friend Zack came over today for a playdate after school, and they are playing the Star Wars Lego video game. (I've grown to despise that game.) sweet little Ryan. He turned 2 last week, and is bringing us so much joy. Right now he and Andrew are visiting their grandparents, so the house has been very quiet. Ryan's big news is that he failed his hearing screening last week at his 2 year old check up. We'll be taking him to a specialist next week, and I'm anxious about the results. It's amazing to me because I know he can hear. He talks very plainly, and responds to noises, us calling his name, follows directions, etc., so I can't imagine that he's having a hard time hearing.

Chris had to go to the doctor yesterday. He's arm and shoulder have been hurting for several weeks. He was playing baseball witht he boys a few weeks ago, and somehow threw the ball funny and it started hurting. Turns out there's more than his shoulder hurting. Most of the pain and numbness are coming from a bulging disc in his neck that is pinching a nerve. Friday he'll have an epidural procedure to hopefully relieve the pain.

That leaves me...I'm hanging in. Actually, I feel very blessed to live in this chaos.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Okay...I am actually laughing at myself because it's been a year since I've posted anything. Not that anyone reads it. I don't even think anyone knows I even started this blog, so no big loss. Maybe I can do a little better this year. If not, I'll be back in Jan. 09 to try again.

There's been lots of excitement over the past year with our family (of course, no one could tell since I don't write about it). The biggest thing was moving twice. That might not sound so big, but moving twice in 6 weeks, with 3 kids was quite a task. Six months later, we've finally settled in, but there's still tons of work to do on this house. A bit of a fixer uppper.

The boys are getting so big. I'm amazed at how fast they're growing, and how smart they're becoming. I can actually have real conversations with Matthew and Andrew now. I am so thankful for them, and I am also thankful that God gave us another son. He is such a joy, and I love this age. He's just tons of fun.

So...I'm going to better on this blog. Not necessarily for anyone else to read, but maybe I'll do better at journaling for myself, so I can look back at this next year, and I won't have to wonder where the time went. I'll have it all written right here.

Monday, January 8, 2007

One gets a tooth, one loses a tooth!

So much for my resolution. It's very hard to keep it when your internet is down. We've recently changed internet providers, and I'm unhappy to say the least. Anyhow, it's up and running, at least for now...

We've had a great start to '07. Chris took some time off last week, and I really enjoyed having him around. We took the kids to Opryland Hotel on Tuesday and looked at the lights. They had so much fun. Hopefully, I can post some pictures today. I love living in Nashville because there's always something to do.

We've also had other big news this week. Ryan got his first tooth, and Matthew lost his first tooth. It's funny because they got and lost the same tooth. I'll try to get some pics of that up soon, too. It was a big deal around here. Matthew's grandmother and grandaddy were here, so he got five dollars from them, and five dollars from the Tooth Fairy. I even had to write a letter to the tooth fairy asking if she would leave the tooth, because we really wanted to keep it. I'm not sure what I'll do with all of these teeth. My mom kept mine, and a few years ago she gave them to me, and I thought, "how disgusting!" Now, I'm the mom, and I want to keep them, but I'm sure the kids will think it's weird when they get older. Funny how things come full circle.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, this is sort of my New Year's try to keep a blog. I'm hoping this will be a way for me to keep up with family and friends, as well as an opportunity for me to keep track of all that goes on around here. I 'm terrible about writing things down, but I hope that this will be a place that I can record the funny things my kids say and do, as well as keep a record of all that's going on in our lives. is New Years! It's a day to reflect on the year's past, and to look forward to things to come. I can honestly say that 2006 was an incredible year for our family. It was so full of blessings! Our greatest blessing was the addition of our precious son, Ryan. He is such a joy! We were also very blessed with Chris's new job. When I reflect on the past year I remember: the birth of Ryan (and trying to decide on his name), Matthew starting Kindergarten, Andrew turning four and the leaps of maturity in him, leaving Little School, joining Weight Watchers (and losing 21 pounds thus far), our vacation to Destin...and our car breaking down in South Alabama with three kids for four hours, subsequently getting a mini-van that I desperately needed (I didn't mind enduring the break down b/c I knew the van was soon to come), Ryan's first Christmas, and the joys of spending precious time with our family and friends.

This has been a wonderful year, and I look forward to the experiences God has planned for us in '07!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Testing the blog